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JACO Member Virtual Art Exhibit

Click here to go directly to the art gallery From a Jungian perspective the psyche works to bring unconscious material to consciousness through symbols and images to facilitate personal growth and development. This is a journey of self-discovery that emphasizes the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life. Jung himself used active imagination … Continue reading "JACO Member Virtual Art Exhibit"

A June Art Exhibit Retrospective Featuring Artist Jim Slouffman

Enter the Tabernacle To view the slideshow click here: June Retrospective Slideshow Featuring Artist Jim Slouffman We just have to exclaim over Jim Slouffman’s Second Saturday May 13 spiritual art experience. He traveled from Cincinnati with his opera singer wife Caroline, to follow up his Fall 2022 JACO virtual art exhibit with the spotlight on … Continue reading "A June Art Exhibit Retrospective Featuring Artist Jim Slouffman"


Active Engagination, with JACO Member Mike Schaefer

First Community Church, 1320 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212

This will be an in-person event at First Community, 1320 Cambridge Blvd, 43212. To help us plan the space and refreshments, kindly RSVP below. This rare program takes us back to the heady days of yore when we gathered in person to explore in dialogue with each other captivating mysteries of the conscious and the … Continue reading "Active Engagination, with JACO Member Mike Schaefer"


Virtual Art Gallery Show – Remedios Varo

Remedios Varo, born in Spain, found her palette come alive in Mexico, where magical realism was a creative host to her surrealistic compositions. She wove into her paintings a wide range of religious, mystic and hermetic traditions, as well as animistic faiths. She was learned in the sciences yet incorporated with equal interest the ideas … Continue reading "Virtual Art Gallery Show – Remedios Varo"

Family Hauntings, Presented by Jeff Holman

First Community Church, 1320 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212

In person at First Community, 1320 Cambridge Blvd. and by zoom To help us plan for space and refreshments kindly RSVP below. This will also enable us to send a zoom link. This is a free program but donations are deeply appreciated. Just click here, with our gratitude. This program blends Hollis’ (Jung’s) Hauntings theory … Continue reading "Family Hauntings, Presented by Jeff Holman"


Dream Group Workshop

This is a free program but RSVP below to receive the link. One of the things people have asked JACO is recommending local dream groups in which they can participate.  The community has been involved in several dream groups in the past and many are interested in reconnecting. After our initial meeting, we have found that there … Continue reading "Dream Group Workshop"


Love, Power, and the Paintings of Remedios Varo

First Unitarian Universalist Church 93 W Weisheimer Rd, Columbus, OH, United States

Presented by Dennis and Rebecca Pottenger, authors of "Alchemy, Jung, and Remedios Varo" The morning lecture (10 AM to Noon) is both in-person and online The afternoon experiential workshop (1 PM to 3 PM) is in-person only First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W Weisheimer Rd, Columbus, OH 43214     To register scroll below to tickets. … Continue reading "Love, Power, and the Paintings of Remedios Varo"

$2.00 – $70.00

Book Club: “Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language” Starting October 1

Please RSVP Below to receive a zoom link. Our book club on Decoding Jung’s Metaphysics has left us wanting more. So, starting October 1, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., and every other Sunday thereafter, we will be working through a new book— John Sanford’s Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language. You can find the book online or, … Continue reading "Book Club: “Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language” Starting October 1"


Bollingen Lecture and Workshop: The Power of Dreamwork – Friday Night Lecture (October 13 from 7 to 8:30 PM) and Saturday Workshop (October 14 from 9:30 AM to Noon) Presented by Lisa Marchiano

First Community Church, 1320 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212

Online and in-person Friday Night Lecture from 7 to 8:30 PM on October 13       1.5 CEUs Saturday Workshop from 9:30 AM to Noon October 14      2 CEUs Receive a discount if registering for both Friday and Saturday Tickets are also discounted for members. The CEU fee is separate from the program … Continue reading "Bollingen Lecture and Workshop: The Power of Dreamwork – Friday Night Lecture (October 13 from 7 to 8:30 PM) and Saturday Workshop (October 14 from 9:30 AM to Noon) Presented by Lisa Marchiano"

$2.00 – $100.00

The Poetics of the Flesh: Incarnation and Individuation, Presented by David Hett

First Unitarian Universalist Church 93 W Weisheimer Rd, Columbus, OH, United States

We are happy to offer this event as a free program though donations are always welcome and deeply appreciated. You can donate by clicking here.  PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST RSVP (SCROLL BELOW) WHETHER YOU ATTEND IN PERSON OR BY ZOOM. Following David's lecture, we will be having a reception to celebrate community and his … Continue reading "The Poetics of the Flesh: Incarnation and Individuation, Presented by David Hett"
